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ARE ANY OF THESE NAMES ON YOUR FAMILLY TREE ? Unclaimed (Private) Jewish Property in Poland

Are Any of These Names on Your Family Tree?
Unclaimed (Private) Jewish Property in Poland Courtesy of Rita Margolis

According to a story in the Jerusalem Post on December 16, 1997, considerable privately owned Polish real estate belongs to heirs of Jews who perished in the Holocaust. There is danger, however, that property may be expropriated if claims are not made soon. Margalit Rosenbuch, a Tel Aviv lawyer established Poldoor, an organization whose purpose it is to help those with a claim.

Land values are booming in Poland these days and many properties are worth
$ 400,000 to $ 500,000. Rosenbuch says that "All the heirs have to do is to have the Polish court issue a write of inheritance, just as in any other country." According to Polish statistics, about "40 percent of the real estate in Cracow and 60 percent in Lodz is still registered to people who have not come forward. Based on the names, many are Jews."

Attorneys who help claimants are in private practice and charge fees for their services. According to the article, it costs a minimum of a few hundred dollars to make an initial inquiry into the status of a property and a good deal more to complete the procedures to reclaim it. The amount depends on the value of the property, the complexity of the case, and the individual's agreement with his or her attorney.

Attorney's listed in the article are:
Poldoor, 17 Kaplan Street, Tel Aviv 64734; telephone: (03) 691-5597. The company has a New York office, telephone: 212-532-5740
Mariola Hawel-Tocker, 52 Nahalat Binyamin Street, Tel Aviv 65154; telephone: (03) 571-3704, e-mail:
Uri J. Huppert, 23 Hillel Street, Jerusalem 94581; telephone: (02) 624-8484 Property Owners' List The following is a partial list of individuals who have unclaimed property registered in the Polish land registry. They or their heir should contact a lawyer to try to reclaim their assets.
Aleksandrowicz, Anna Aleksandrowicz, Ignacy Aleksandrowicz, Jozel Alexander, Annette Alexander, Michelle Amser, Haim Anderman, Rena Bak, Piotr Ban, Jozef Bannet, Henryk Bannet, Izaak Bergman, Chaja Bertel, Maria Bertel, Ruchla Berzabkowa, Natalia Brenstein, Szymon Dembitner, Sara Eberstark, Markus Eisner, Mojzesz Elba, Jozef Elba, Maurycy Englander, Helena Englander, Issak Englander, Moses Majer Englander, Rozalia (Roza) Erteschik, Chana Erteschik, Majer Faber, Maria Faber, Stefan Feigenbaum, Chaim Feigenbaum, Chaskel Feigenbaum, Heirsh Feigenbaum, Jozef Dawid Feigenbaum, Marcus Feigenbaum, Pinkus Feigenbaum, Sussla Feiwish, Ruchla Ferens, Jozef Fildarman, Mosze Filler, Matylda (from Schenkers) Frankel, Aleksander Fraunmauer, Gitl Fridberg, Abraham Fridberg, Perla Fridman, Lidia Frish, Dawid Frish, Leiba Fruchthendler, Gimpel Furman, Lidia Galazka, Ruchla Gellis, Ruth Gerner, Salomea Gerszon, Abel Giger-Wdowska, Mirian zd Herman Gingold, Hirsh Glejtman, Hana Glejtmnan, Suraa Goldstein, Dawid Goldstein, Regina Gottlieb, Chaja Grossman, Bernard Gruber, Leinor Grucher, Salomea Grunberg, Jozef Grusza, Mojzesz Haas Adolf Haas, Paulina Hamer, Maria zd Feigenbaum Herman, Rozalia Herstahl, Gustaw Herstein, Dora Herstein, Leon Herstein, Marcus Herstein, Michal Herstein, Natan Herstein, Rozalia His two daughters were Miriam and Malvina) Hisner, Mosze Horner, Salomea Horowic, Katarzyna Immergluck, Tauba Jakober, Cyna Ruchla Jakubowska, Berta Jeter, Szymon Katz, Dawid Katz, Efroima Katz, Izak Katz, Mojzesz Katz, Perla Katz, Tanby Katz-Gelles Estera Keil, Berta Kernar, Asher Kerner, Asher Kerner, Lola Kerner, Salomon Klinger, Liba (from Nablok) Kohna, Malwina Korngol, Leonora Kragen, Henryk Krebs, Helena Kreisler, Nina Kreisler, Nina Lachner, Hermina Landau, Ernest Landau, Halina Landau, Jozef Saul Landau, Maksymilian Laner, Salomea Laudnor, Ryfka Lukowska, Genowefa Mikolajewicz, Israel David Mincberg, Abram Mincberg, Sura Ruchla Jan Morgenberson, Maksymilian Muhlstein, Eva Nierenslein, Mozes Majer Nussbaum, Rachela Nussbaum, Rita Pamm, Ferdynand Pamm, Jakub Panzer, Hirsh Panzer, Mendel Pesel, Hana Pomeranz, Leja (Lola) Ptuczenik, Samuel Rapaport, Jozef Reif, Jakub Ringel, Dawid Ritterman, Golda Rosenbaum, Gustawa Rosenfeld, Benzion Rosenfeld, Izaak Rozensweig, Izaak Rozensweig, Maks Rozenzweig, Adolf Rozenzweig, Natka Salz, Leon Sandauer, Adam Schaner, Jozef Schenker, Dawid Schenker, Jozef Schonberg, Izaak Schrager, Zygmunt Silberstein, Regina Siodmak, Jakub Stawsk, Bronislawa Strenger, Szymon Swarz, Helena Szapirowa, Antonina Szwercenberg-Czernowa Irena Taffer, Schaja Taufel, Masza Traub, Fryda Vogler, Szymon ("Pomocnik"~ He was a jewelry maker Vog-Lfaug, Sala Weikenfeld, Gustaw Weinstok, Jankiel Weischelbaum, Jachely Weisman, Rachela Winkenfeld, Resi Wisniter, Majer Zelinger, Laja Zimerman, Zofia

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